Monday, April 21, 2014

Straight Up Lying!!!

Our first submission comes from N.O. and here is what the children are experiencing:

My soon to be ex told our daughter that I was responsible for her being bullied at school because I yelled at the kids at the bus stop for throwing bricks at the house and passing cars. This was just for beginners before he had me served with an order of protection with deliberately taken out of context statements and actions. He then stole the kids told the eldest I was going to hurt them and told the youngest I had abandoned him, The mess continues.

Just makes me shake my head in horror at how any parent thinks that this is acceptable way to handle the end of a marriage.


  1. In my experience, the ex cannot understand the separation and divorce have nothing to do with them. They are always blameless and did nothing wrong the entire time of the marriage. Unfortunately I have yet to see a soon to be ex husband take responsibility for their actions and this is how they justify their faults. By shifting the entire set of problems off onto the mother... it's just sad and makes me want to hit someone in the face ... with a shovel... the flat one, it covers more area.

    1. Sorry... that is supposed to say the ex cannot understand the separation and divorce have EVERYTHING to do with them.
