Monday, April 28, 2014

Why? Why Would Anyone Leave You?

This one is a particular favorite moment of mine. It really makes you wonder about his logic:

C asked him, “Why are you so mean to mommy?” his response is “If I was nice her to she would be scared.”

And does he ever wonder WHY I left???

Monday, April 21, 2014

Straight Up Lying!!!

Our first submission comes from N.O. and here is what the children are experiencing:

My soon to be ex told our daughter that I was responsible for her being bullied at school because I yelled at the kids at the bus stop for throwing bricks at the house and passing cars. This was just for beginners before he had me served with an order of protection with deliberately taken out of context statements and actions. He then stole the kids told the eldest I was going to hurt them and told the youngest I had abandoned him, The mess continues.

Just makes me shake my head in horror at how any parent thinks that this is acceptable way to handle the end of a marriage.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Day After Fallout

This particular situation took place the day after I left the hubs with the kids. He had time to see them that day, something I have been feeling I should have never allowed.


I go to pick up the kids and A says “Momma, you are a liar. Daddy says….” And I stop him right there. 

Doesn't matter what happens between the parents, YOU NEVER TELL YOUR CHILDREN THAT THE OTHER PARENT IS A LIAR!!!

Then a little while later:

I learn from A that K told the kids they would see “Momma’s true self” and that he was afraid to sign the separation agreement because it could be bad for the kids in the long run.

Again, it serves no benefit to a parent to bash another this way. And the agreement isn't for the kids to worry about, that's between the parents, lawyers, and judge. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Let's Kick This Off, Shall We?

So here it is, the very first post about some of the horrid things that have been said to my children by their father. This particular doozy took place 8 months BEFORE I moved us out of the home.

A tells me that K told A and M that I was planning on moving out with the children. A thought that it meant he would never see his daddy again and he was very stressed. He spent a good 15 minutes crying as I held him and told him everything was okay. I don’t know what was specifically said on that car ride home.

 I honestly don't know why my ex told the two kids this. At the time, he wasn't speaking to me and not once did he ask me if I was leaving him. At this point, I had already spent 16 months doing everything I could to leave him (got a car, trying to get a new job, research apt options available to me, etc). And when I left 8 months after he told this to his kids, he acted completely shocked. I did not once tell the children anything until the day I moved us out.