Monday, June 16, 2014

The Mother's Day Edition

Let me preface this by saying that I do not expect my ex to pay for my Mothers Day gifts and I will never plan on giving them money to buy his Fathers Day gifts. I am a "let's make memories" and a crafty kind of person. So the only thing I wanted for Mother's Day was to enjoy my time with the kids. And we did! However, the ex felt the need to call that evening and start drama. Here is what I overheard on the phone:

C - Hi Daddy. Yea. We did laser tag, I am pretty good at it. Uh huh. Oh? So now we have another reason to be mad at M? Uh huh. Okay, bye Daddy.

No other child got on the phone. M immediately got defensive with C. Apparently there was some sort of shopping trip that had M buying something that Daddy paid for that he claimed he couldn't afford. Well C clarified that Daddy called to say that had M not "snuck" those items in on the conveyor at the store, he could've taken them shopping for Mother's Day. So here are my issues with this:

1. It's his own damned fault he paid for something that he couldn't afford. I saw the receipt because it was emailed to me (long story!) and I had to forward it to him. He didn't get that much so how the hell didn't he notice it to begin with?

2. If it was something he couldn't afford, why didn't he take it back the very next day? Duh!

3. Why is he calling my home with his house drama? That bs is for his house, not mine.

4. Why the fuck would you play your kids against one another like that?

I had to spend that evening explaining to the kids that a gift would not have been near as wonderful as the fun filled day we had together and reassuring that they did nothing to hurt me.

Can anyone say "dickhead much"?

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